Teachers - Please have your recycling bins near or outside your door. Thanks!
GSA will meet today during lunch in Room 30. All are welcome.
NASU is meeting tomorrow in Room 306
BSU is meeting Wednesday in Room 29
Rotary Interact Club is having a meeting in room 415L aka mr ashers lab room! Get involved with volunteer opportunities and our community
Finals are here which means Club 9 has a special schedule. The last Club 9 of the semester is TODAY and it has extended hours. Yup, that’s right Club 9 is 2 whole hours TODAY from 3:30-5:30. We also have even more math and science teachers than usual! Come get individualized help from teachers and peer tutors. As always, we have snacks!
Check your schedule in StudentVue! If anything in your semester two schedule needs changing, complete a schedule change form right away. Counselors are checking those requests daily. Also, stay tuned for Special Edition drop-in hours on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Counselors will be ready to meet with you to resolve any remaining schedule concerns, if you have already filled out the form. Any questions? See Jessica in the counseling office.
College-bound seniors, need help with your FAFSA, your ORSAA, your Oregon Promise Grant, or your OSAC Scholarships applications? Come to South’s FAFSA-ORSAA Completion Night this Wednesday, January 29th at 7 pm in room 6 to get your questions answered.
Juniors and seniors, test drive the career of your choice! Apply for a paid summer internship from Connected Lane County. Applications will be accepted between now and February 24th, but sometimes earlier applications have an advantage. Visit or see Lori Sauter in the College and Career Center for more information.
Boys Golf will have a players and parents meeting on January 31st at Laurelwood Golf Course from 5:00-6:00 pm. All interested players should attend.
Attention all ballers: Intramural basketball is finally starting! This whole week, games will be played during lunch in the main gym, so make sure to swing by every day and watch the best teams in the school face off! We can’t wait to see you all there!
Are you in IHS, NHS, or just interested in getting volunteer hours? On February 1st, South Eugene Theater is hosting Southern Oregon Theater Regionals! You can earn six or more volunteer hours this Saturday by signing up to help! There is no theater experience required, all are welcome! For more information, stop by the Drama Club meeting this Thursday! Hope to see you there!