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South Eugene High School

Incoming 9th Grade Home

Forecasting for next year’s courses is, by far, the most important step in scheduling. During forecasting, students formally indicate their course choices for the following year. South uses student forecasted requests to determine the number of sections we will offer and to build the Master Schedule. It is critical that students accurately request courses in their Forecasting Worksheet and commit to taking the courses for which they forecast. 

To simplify the process for incoming students, we have preloaded most core classes and will make adjustments as placement data and the number of course offerings are made available.  Students should be aware that they are not guaranteed their first choices for some classes and should list alternates, as available, when forecasting. We require that all 9th grade students are enrolled in a full schedule. Ninth grade students must forecast to meet this requirement (8 credits per year).

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Forecasting Steps


  1. Attend the Incoming 9th Grade Parent Information Night event on April 3rd, 2025 in the SEHS Auditorium. 

  2. Peruse this website for recommended courses and answers to common questions.

  3. Read the 9th Grade Forecasting Workbook/Curriculum Guide for 9th grade specific course options.  Record course preferences.

  4. Students will access the forecasting worksheet through a "Class of 2029" Canvas course. This will be done in classrooms- the forecasting team will be visiting RMS, SBMS, and EOA in April and non-feeder schools in May. Students from non-feeder schools will access the same form, but not need to use Canvas. 

  5. Attend the ZOOM Q&A and make-up session, if needed.

    1. RMS/SBMS/EOA 

    2. Non Feeder (Zoom links will be sent direct)

  6. Students from RMS and SBMS will complete their forecasting sheet by Monday, April 30th. Students from non-feeder schools will complete forecasting by June 1. 

  7. Do not worry, forecasting is not first come, first serve. Schedules are made during the Summer! 

Recommended Courses:

•Math (Algebra I, Geometry/Stats, Algebra II)

•Language Arts (English 9 or IHS Global Literature)

•Health (Health & Humanities or IHS Global Health)

•Science (Physics)

•Social Studies (Global Studies or IHS Global Geography)

+ 1- 6 elective courses

(World Language, Fine or Performing Arts, CTE, PE, Advisory, or AVID) 

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