Strategic Plan Action Steps for Goal 2
Person/Team Responsible
Action Steps
Due Date/Frequency
Counselors, admin & 9TC
Review all Synergy information for students in focal groups and those identifying as multi-racial to ensure accuracy of demographic data and contact information. Create credit document by grade, counselor, and demographic group.
By Aug. 30 and as needed for any newly enrolled student identifying within the focal groups or multi-racial.
Admin, counselors, 9TC, Equity coordinators
Monitor Tiered credit document to plan contact and interventions for priority groups
Counselor and designated scheduling administrator.
1) Review student schedules to ensure courses needed for graduation are included and to address any errors or access to rigorous coursework.
By August 30, 2024
Admin, Chisty G, AXE teachers, 9TC, Laura Q
Begin implementing AXE 9th grade transition class
By August 30, 2024
AVID Teachers, Humanities Teachers
Increase rate of Hispanic/Latino participation in AVID Elective
PD Lead Team: Admin Team and Staff Council members, AVID Coordinator, Humanities Teachers, Leadership teams
Handbook & Staff Quick Links: Designated assistant principal and AVID Coordinator
Implementation: All Instructional Staff
3) Implement professional development on AVID strategies, specifically on Collaboration school wide.
Include resources in handbook and Staff Quick Links, specifically on Collaboration school wide.
Implement WICOR and Collaboration to support rigorous study & achievement school wide
By September 30, 2024
By August 31, 2024
LSU Advisor, LSU Coordinator, SEHS Counselors, 9TC, AXE teachers, admin
5) Connect students to academic support and interventions (e.g., tutoring through Club 9, math intervention, CR, Extended Day)
By September 30, 2024 and then at least quarterly as indicated by data review.
LSU Advisor, SEHS Counselor, AP teachers, Leadership Teams
6) Gather data on students in focal groups who have taken or plan to take at least one dual credit course and work with individual students to address barriers to participation in course and/or exam (for AP)
Ongoing during schedule review, interview process, and check-ins.