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South Eugene High School

School Improvement Plan

South Eugene High School Continuous Improvement Plan for 2024-25


School Goals and Metrics


Goal 1: 

By June 2024, students and families of students identifying as Hispanic/Latino will experience an increase in the frequency and quality of  communication designed specifically to meet their needs and meaningful community engagement in the school community as evidenced by:

–All students and families of the designated focal groups will receive timely communication about key school events in the home language if interpretation is needed and key school processes.  These will include

  • Back to Business
  • Back to School Night
  • Student-Led Conferences
  • Freshman Events
  • Potluck Gathering
  • Cultural Celebrations

–Increase of student attendance so each student becomes a regular attender, with a 90% attendance rate

–At least three in-person community-building (non-disciplinary related) contacts with parents/guardians, student, and school staff or designee during the 2024-25 year. 

-Advisor calls every student’s family with scripted positive phone call home within first month.  Positive postcards also sent…

Focal Student Group: Students identifying as Hispanic/Latino

Data indicate that our students who identify as Hispanic Latino  have lower graduation and attendance rates than the school average. We do not yet keep demographic data on student/family engagement in school events. 

IF we provide continuous, intentional outreach to individual families of students in the focal groups and provide targeted, culturally-affirming academic and non-academic supports to students individually and in groups THEN family engagement, student attendance, student engagement in school activities will increase.n


Strategic Plan Action Steps for Goal 1

Person/ Team Responsible

Action Steps 

Due Date/ Frequency

LSU advisor, Regional Equity Manager, and SEHS Counselor

Conduct interviews with individual students to understand high school and post-high school plans, interests, and concerns and barriers, to increase relational capacity and connect to supports.  Pair each students with an adult

By end of Oct. 2024 and as needed for newly enrolled students.

Designated staff as indicated at right

Create brief videos that explain common school processes and a SEHS Parent/Guardian Quick Links doc that can increase accessibility of information for families and distribute to families and post on website. In Spanish if possible.

  • Enrollment process (Registrar)
  • Attendance processes
  • Athletic participation (Athletic Director)
  • Parent volunteer process (Post-grad Planner)
  • Club & Affinity Group involvement (Equity Manager)

By end of Semester 1

Counselor, Affinity Group Advisor

Establish schedule of regular check-ins with students in the designated focal groups and track in spreadsheet specific to SCIP goals

At least quarterly

Student Success Coordinator, counselors, Admin Team

Ensure specific, targeted invitation is provided to each family in focal groups, in home language where interpretation is needed, prior to key school events (Back to Business, Open House, four Beyond South events, first and second Parent Group meetings.

One week prior to the designated eight events.

Designated Admin SST, with support from Attendance Clerk and Student Success Coordinator

Review attendance data for all students in focus group and follow-up with families as needed.



Goal 2: (aligned with “a coordinated focus on equitable outcomes for all students with amplified attention to the needs of those who we have underserved”)


By June 2025, all students in grades 10-12 identifying as Hispanic/Latino who were on track to graduate in Fall 2024 based on credits obtained will remain on track to graduate.


By August 31, 2025, 95% of ninth-grade students in the designated focal groups will have obtained six or more credits.


Between September 2024 and August 31, 2025, the gap for any students in grades 10-12 identifying as Hispanic/Latino who were not on track to graduate will be reduced by at least one credit (unless less than 1 credit was needed to meet graduation requirements). 

Focal Student Group: Hispanic/Latino

Based on district data from 2022-23 on 4-year graduation rates and our own 2023-24 SEHS data on credit attainment, students in the designated focal group are not experiencing academic success to the same degree that has been created for students overall or for more advantaged groups. 


IF we strengthen key AVID instructional strategies in all classrooms, provide intentional scheduling support, and provide regular academic check-ins and interventions at least every quarter for students in the designated focal groups, 

THEN students’ academic success and on-track status for graduation will increase.


Strategic Plan Action Steps for Goal 2

Person/Team Responsible

Action Steps 

Due Date/Frequency

Counselors, admin & 9TC

Review all Synergy information for students in focal groups and those identifying as multi-racial to ensure accuracy of demographic data and contact information. Create credit document by grade, counselor, and demographic group.

By Aug. 30 and as needed for any newly enrolled student identifying within the focal groups or multi-racial.

Admin, counselors, 9TC, Equity coordinators

Monitor Tiered credit document to plan contact and interventions for priority groups


Counselor and designated scheduling administrator.

1) Review student schedules to ensure courses needed for graduation are included and to address any errors or access to rigorous coursework.

By August 30, 2024

Admin, Chisty G, AXE teachers, 9TC, Laura Q

Begin implementing AXE 9th grade transition class

By August 30, 2024

AVID Teachers, Humanities Teachers

Increase rate of Hispanic/Latino participation in AVID Elective

PD Lead Team: Admin Team and Staff Council members, AVID Coordinator, Humanities Teachers, Leadership teams


Handbook & Staff Quick Links: Designated assistant principal and AVID Coordinator


Implementation: All Instructional Staff


3) Implement professional development on AVID strategies, specifically on Collaboration school wide.  


Include resources in handbook and Staff Quick Links, specifically on Collaboration school wide.


Implement WICOR and Collaboration to support rigorous study & achievement school wide 

By September 30, 2024


By August 31, 2024



LSU Advisor, LSU Coordinator, SEHS Counselors, 9TC, AXE teachers, admin

5) Connect students to academic support and interventions (e.g., tutoring through Club 9, math intervention, CR, Extended Day) 

By September 30, 2024 and then at least quarterly as indicated by data review.

LSU Advisor, SEHS Counselor, AP teachers, Leadership Teams

6) Gather data on students in focal groups who have taken or plan to take at least one dual credit course and work with individual students to address barriers to participation in course and/or exam (for AP) 

Ongoing during schedule review, interview process, and check-ins. 


Goal 3: 


By June 2025, the percentage of students who identify as Hispanic/Latino and non-U.S. Native American who report NOT feeling safe at school will decrease to 20% or lower.  


The percentage of Hispanic/Latino, and non-U.S. Native American who report being bullied at school will decrease to 20% or lower. 


The percentage of Hispanic/Latino, and non-U.S. Native American who report that ‘Teachers really care about me’ will increase to 75% or greater.

Focal Student Group: Students identifying as Alaskan Native/Native American, non-U.S. Native American 

IF all staff increase Relational Capacity and use of SEL practices, and IF we implement school-wide supports for mental health to fidelity

THEN students will experience higher levels of well-being and safety in school.


Strategic Plan Action Steps for Goal 3

Person/Team Responsible

Action Steps 

Due Date/Frequency


Tier 1 Needs Assessment


Admin Team, Regional Equity Manager, and designated staff leaders

Implement professional development for staff on Relational Capacity/SEL

By end of first 9 weeks (start light)

Counselor, admin and regional equity manager

Encourage engagement of focal group in clubs, sports, activities


Advisory Teachers, admin, district

Implement district-planned Advisory curricula designed to foster student well-being, safety and belonging

As indicated in district-planned Advisory schedule.

JED Team

Prioritize and Implement action steps from JED assessment in coordination with district staff.

Ongoing (based on forthcoming data and recommended steps)