Mind Body Alliance will meet in room 411 for lunch today.
The Logos Lounge Philosophy Club is meeting again today in room 702a during lunch. Everyone is welcome to come and join the fun, as we explore obscure and profound discussions on a wide variety of topics.
Finals are here which means Club 9 is TODAY and has extended hours. Yup, that’s right Club 9 is 2 whole hours TODAY from 3:30-5:30. We also have even more math and science teachers than usual! Come get individualized help from teachers and peer tutors. As always, we have snacks!
Semester Two is approaching fast, so check your StudentVue now to review your schedule for next term! If anything needs to be changed, complete the google form to request that change as soon as possible. Counselors check these forms daily, and submitting a google form is actually the quickest way to see results. Completing the form doesn’t guarantee the switch, but it holds your place on a waitlist for full classes. Questions on how to make a schedule change? See Jessica in the Counseling Center.
College-bound seniors, need help with your FAFSA, your ORSAA, your Oregon Promise Grant, or your OSAC Scholarships applications? Come to South’s FAFSA-ORSAA Completion Night this Wednesday, January 29th at 7 pm in room 6 to get your questions answered.
Attention all ballers: Intramural basketball is finally starting! This whole week, games will be played during lunch in the main gym, so make sure to swing by every day and watch the best teams in the school face off! We can’t wait to see you all there!
Juniors and seniors, test drive the career of your choice! Apply for a paid summer internship from Connected Lane County. Applications will be accepted between now and February 24th, but sometimes earlier applications have an advantage. Visit or see Lori Sauter in the College and Career Center for more information.