GSA will meet today during lunch in Room 30. All are welcome.
NASU is meeting tomorrow in Room 306
BSU is meeting Wednesday in Room 29
Rotary Interact Club is having a meeting in room 415L aka mr ashers lab room! Get involved with volunteer opportunities and our community
Want to hear about Cornell University? A student ambassador from the school will be in the College and Career Center on Tuesday at 10:15. She’s happy to talk to any interested students and would particularly welcome Indigenous students to the visit.
This Thursday, January 16th, is the last day to request a pass/no pass or withdrawal from any class this term. The counseling department will hold two Special Edition drop in periods for any students needing assistance with this process. Tomorrow, stop by between 9 and 11 to request a form from your counselor or to discuss options. On Thursday, the final day to submit a request form, counselors will be available to assist from 9-10am.
Juniors interested in taking the SAT can opt in to take it at South on April 17th for free. Also, all sophomores will take the Pre-ACT on April 17th. More information, including how to register, will be coming closer to the test date. Visit Lori in the College/Career Center for more information.
Boys Golf will have a players and parents meeting on January 31st at Laurelwood Golf Course from 5:00-6:00 pm. All interested players should attend.
The highly anticipated thriller, Wait Until Dark, directed by Gage Wagner (WAG-ner) is opening this Friday! Starring Kaleb Edwards as Mr.Roat, Camden Caldera as Mike Talman, and Leonidas Jungert as Carlino, the three crooks break into the lovely household of a blind woman, Susy Hendrix, played by Marley Hines. Don’t miss the chance to get tickets to the second student directed show of the year! Tickets are available through the QR codes on the posters in the school, as well as on our website, See you there!